Become active


Our Foundation and Association are financed exclusively by voluntary donations from private individuals and institutions and the annual membership fees. With every donation - small and large - you make a valuable contribution to the protection of the forest in the Chaco and against deforestation.

Larger and smaller donations can be paid into the following accounts:

Association for the Support of Indian Land Claims in the Chaco Paraguay
Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank
CH 4410 Liestal
IBAN CH94 0076 9400 2876 6200 1
Swift: BLKBCH22

Foundation for Indian Communities in Paraguay
Basellandschaftliche Kantonalbank
CH 4436 Oberdorf
IBAN CH82 0076 9016 2412 8415 0
Swift: BLKBCH22


You can support our association with an annual membership contribution of CHF 50 for individuals; CHF 75 for married couples; CHF 30 for students and young interested persons; CHF 200 for legal entities. Membership can be cancelled at any time.

We keep you informed about our activities in our newsletters. As a member you will be invited to the annual general meeting and have voting rights . (OR: As a member you will have voting rights during our annual general meeting.) You not only support our work financially, but also give weight to the rights and concerns of indigenous communities in the Chaco.

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