Herbstrundbrief Oktober 2023

Liebe Mitglieder, Gönnerinnen und Gönner

Längere Zeit mussten wir in den meisten Teilen der Schweiz auf Regen warten; dieselbe Situation beobachten wir momentan im paraguayischen Chaco. In der Hoffnung, dass nicht nur dieser Brief bei Ihnen "auf fruchtbaren Boden" fällt, sondern dass auch in Paraguay mit dem ersehnten Nass Vieles wieder wachsen kann, möchte wir Ihnen die Lektüre des Herbstbriefes ans Herz legen.

Gran Chaco: Will a new road improve or destroy the 'green hell'?

"A new Panama Canal": that is how Egon Neufeld describes the Bioceanic Highway, a massive transnational infrastructure project which aims to link Chile's Pacific coast with Brazil's Atlantic coastline.

Quelle: Jane Chambers, BBC


Protect Indigenous people’s rights or Paris climate goals will fail, says report

Rainforests looked after by communities absorb twice as much carbon as other lands, analysis shows.


Rocky road: Paraguay's new Chaco highway threatens rare forest and last of the Ayoreo people

Forced from their homelands by missionaries, the Ayoreo claim the restitution of land in the Chaco. Now the Bioceanic Corridor cuts through the fastest-vanishing forest on Earth, refuge of some of the Americas' last hunter-gatherers.

by Laurence Blair. Photographs by Santi Carneri


Grand Theft Chaco II: The Vice Continues

Source: www.earthsight.org.uk


Gran Theft Chaco - luxury car with leather from the stolen land of an isolated tribe

Source: www.earthsight.org.uk


Paraguay and COVID-19: Indigenous peoples between hunger, risk and indifference

Source: Amnesty International, Paraguay 19.04.2020

Paraguay und COVID-19: Indigene Völker zwischen Hunger, Risiko und Gleichgültigkeit

What if everyone in the world planted a tree?

Made by Maia Films, 26 February 2020

What if everyone in the world planted a tree?

From land purchase to biosphere reserve

For more than 20 years, the Foundation for Indigenous Communities in Paraguay has been supporting indigenous peoples to protect the forest in the Chaco. Urs Scheibler, co-initiator, resigns as chairman of the Board of the Foundation.

Source: E. Gächter, Volksstimme vom 11.10.2019

Vom Landkauf zum Biosphärenreservat

Transfer of knowledge and education

The trips, camps and patrols into the territory are also used to transfer knowledge: members of the older Totobiegosode generation, who grew up in the forest, transmit their history and experiences to the younger generation, who have already grown up in sedentary settlements.

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© Gerald Henzinger
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